Posted by jez @ Fri Dec 7, 2012 9:03 am Show original item

The Summer 2013 Trailwalker magazine has just been published and mailed to members.
Highlights include:
- Larapinta - Training and Execution
- Coast to Coast for Rett Syndrome
- Mt Rainier's Wonderland Trail
- Simpson Desert
- Camino Inca
- Tanks a lot
Check out your magazine in your letterbox or download it now.
You too could have been reading the Trailwalker magazine 2 weeks ago: while the magazine has been at the printers, and then being made ready for post, members who opted to receive their Trailwalker by email only received this email 2 weeks ago. If you register for the email-only Trailwalker, you too can get your hands on the magazine sooner. To change your subscription options, log into your membership account on the website.