From time to time other groups conduct events on the Heysen Trail. The Jodi Lee Foundation's inaugural SA Hiking Challenge will take place in a few weeks time, to hike or run on one or two days along the Heysen Trail through the spectacular Flinders Ranges National Park environment.
The Jodi Lee Foundation raises awareness and education of bowel cancer, a cancer that is 90% curable if detected early. Despite this, it is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in Australia.
Their event on 21 & 22 June 2013 will cover 80km of the trail over two days, with full support at checkpoints.
It's not too late to:
- Register for the event
- Donate to the cause
- Volunteer to assist on the weekend
- Register your interest for next year's event
Find out more about the event on their website jodileefoundation.org.au or via these event itinerary and registration documents. To donate click on any one of the participants, or on the event administrator's page.
Whilst we mention events along the Heysen Trail, please note that this event is not associated with our organisation.