Posted by robert_alcock @ Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:22 pm Show original item

Yesterday the End-to-End Minus 1 group charged across a raging swollen Stony Creek, north of Melrose, again and again, while walking along the Heysen Trail.
Completing the weekend's soggy wet walking in the pouring rain, we climbed up and over the wet and rocky Lavender Hill. Saturday was a very wet 26km walk. From Alligator Gorge Road to Grays Hut, then up Mount Remarkable and passing gushing streams, down to Melrose. It rained all night Saturday and the following morning a raging torrent rushed across the campground access ford, by the caravan park, as we left Melrose for the days walk. There were many pools and lakes of water to be seen on our way to the Horrocks Pass walk start.