What a success Sunday was, 556 people hiking along the 60 sections of the 1,200km Heysen Trail. Every section of the trail was walked on the day, and with such a fine weekend plenty of other people out hiking the trail too.
Thanks to all leaders, members and guests, for being involved. It was wonderful to meet new people and have them raving about the county we walked through. Simon Bonython walked in his father's footsteps, completing the Cleland to Norton Summit walk.
A big thanks to the organising committee led by Simon Cameron, and all the members who jumped on board to make this event a big success. 18 months in the planning, and a fantastic outcome.
A great celebration of Warren Bonython's life and the Heysen Trail.
View a collection of photos up and down the trail on Facebook (no Facebook account required): https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.627709787273187.1073741834.106108449433326