Plans are afoot to re-route a section of the Heysen Trail near Balquhidder Station and Tunkalilla Beach to take in more of the spectacular coastline.
An article on news.com.au (and in today's Advertiser) has brought to light that billionaire Kerry Stokes is in "secret talks" with the state government to buy a parcel of coastal land at Tunkalilla Beach.
The Advertiser quotes Mr Stokes as saying "This is an amazing part of South Australia and I am looking forward to ensuring its heritage and also opening up the Heysen Trail."
"We were approached by the department to extend The Heysen Trail and create some hard-stand facilities for youth engagement."
The re-route of the Heysen Trail along the coast through Balquihidder Station is something we've been keen on for a while. A re-route and upgrade of the Heysen Trail along the South Coast could see the Trail become a significant drawcard for walkers both locally, nationionally and internationally.
We welcome the prospect of improved facilities for people of all ages to hike the highlight section of the Heysen Trail South Coast from Cape Jervis to Victor Harbor.