Registrations have been extended for our new End-to-End walking group, starting the Heysen Trail at Cape Jervis on May 18.
We have put on an extra bus to allow for increased capacity.
End-to-End 9 is the ninth group to make this undertaking since 2001. The group will commence hiking the entire Heysen Trail at Cape Jervis, walking one Sunday a month during the walk season, progressing up the 1,200km Heysen Trail to Parachilna Gorge over a number of years. End-to-end walks are run as part of our walk programme, and are for those wishing to complete the entire Heysen Trail. As the schedule and trail logistics are done by the Friends organisation it is easy for walkers to participate, and many enjoy the social aspect of the group.
Find out more about:
- May 18's End-to-End 9 walk event
- our End-to-End group walking program (we have 5 groups)